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updated 6/4/2010
PPM in Orleans and Clayton
After accepting a Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement in lieu of a project specific EIS in 2007, from PPM Energy, proposing an industrial wind power plant, the company asked for two one-year extensions and, on June 3, 2010, the joint Village and Town of Clayton Planning Board determined that the second extension has lapsed and will not be renewed. The company must therefore reapply, but it is not clear that it will. The town and village will require significant changes in the application to address bird and bat mortality and noise impacts.

The following items are no longer posted; please request directly from GAA.
ECCO Comments (July 14, 2007)
Bolton Report: Review of PPM energy noise assessment (1,250KB)
UK Noise Association, "Location, Location, Lociation: An Invesitgation Into Wind Farms and Noise (2006) (1,281KB)
World Health Organization, "Occupational and community noise" (Fact sheet No. 258, February 2001).
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Comments (July 13, 2007) (3,334KB)
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